1. Make sure your child is happy, comfortable, and ready for his first taste of solid food.
2. Consider using an elevated sitting device or "high chair" for this exercise.
3. Fashion an overflow containment contraption or "bib" around the child's neck- this handy trick will help to ensure your willingness to continue the feeding process beyond the first attempt.
4. Prepare an appropriate menu for your baby's first meal. For maximum success-avoid foods that require skills such as gnawing, biting or chewing.
5. Place a small amount of food on a soft-tipped shoveling mechanism, often referred to as a "spoon"
6. Position food at, or about, your child's cry-hole or "mouth"as it is sometimes called.
7. Insert food and allow child to savor his first taste of solids.
Repeat steps 5-7 until the child's endlessly-needful-nourishment-receptacle (see also: stomach) has reached capacity (or "is full")
No doubt, if the above instructions were followed correctly, you're child throughly enjoyed his first experience with food.