Sunday, July 12, 2009

Good to be back

Welp- we're home.  early. VERY early, from our planned month-long vacation.  Despite the logistical nightmare that was our abbreviated trip to Florida, I'm very happy to be back.  There are changes a brewin' and I can't wait to get back to a more regular schedule with more regular posting.  I've got lots to update on this here blog, but even more to unpack- so for now, the teaser...

Stay tuned for the details of Vacation Fail- 2k9*

*I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn the perfect angles pictured above are actually alien changelings from the  planet ohmygawdineedanothernapRIGHTTHISMINUTE sent to foil any and all attempts at surf, sand or sun.  But more on that later.


Chrissy said...

Well they are the cutest aliens I have ever seen:) Stopping by from SITS!!

Christen said...

Thanks so much for you comment! I absolutely love your blog (and the pic of your two little "aliens"- ha ha!) How did you make the brown banner at the top of your screen? Too cute!!

What happened on your trip? Did you drive to Florida with the little ones?

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