Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa Train

A good friend let me in on a well kept secret- well, maybe it's not soo well kept, or even a secret at all- but it is the VRE's Santa train.  The Virgina Railway Express runs a holiday train to promote rail safety, collect for Toy's for Tots, and send quivers of joy up and down the spines of little boys everywhere.

It was a wonderful chance to take the kids on their first train ride, and, oh! See SANTA, again! But, thanks to the sick, it ended up as mama-son date day, as the girl rested up from round two of the bug and dad stayed home to bleach the house within an inch of it's life. 

It went a little something like this:

The boy LOVED it! But what's not to love- Trains!  and Santa!  and Mommy time!  WOW!
You can bet we'll be first in line for tickets next year!


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